The maps below contain detailed Census Tract geographic boundaries for 53 employment nodes in 27 cities, including demographic and economic data. Please note, only cities that appear in the top 10 largest cities for jobs and/or were participating project partners appear in these interactive maps.

To navigate the maps:

  • Select “Bookmarks” to choose from the list of employment node maps and click the node you wish to view.  Alternatively, type in an address in the “Find address or place” search box to zoom to that approximate geographic area.
  • Zoom in or out using the + or – on the left side of the viewing pane.
  • Select the geographic area you wish to view by clicking the red area for commercial zone, the green area for the commercial zone plus Census Tracts within a half mile, and the blue area for the commercial zone plus Census Tracts within a mile.  The pop-ups are most easily viewed by closing each after viewing using the X in the top right corner of the pop-up.

There are additional map features available in the grey navigation bar.  These include:

  • Layers:  Turn map layers off and on by unchecking and checking the box next to the layer name.
  • Basemap:  Select different basemaps to view in conjunction with the geographic boundaries.
  • Measure:  Measure the size of a geographic area or the distance between two points using the tools in this menu.
  • Printing:  Use this menu to choose a paper size and print the map view that is currently on your screen.  Be patient—the menu will change to “Printing” while it is generating your map.  When it is read, the menu will change to “Printout,” which you can click to view the printed map page and send to your printer.


  1. Think where, not what, for best results with TOD (BRT or otherwise) | west north
    October 8, 2013

    […] of midtowns, IDA’s new Defining Downtowns report does a nice job of showing how midtown areas, often surrounding medical facilities, are often […]

  2. Downtown Residential Ranking
    November 11, 2013

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